Project 39: Week 41

Weight: 180.2 (-2.4 lbs)

Savings: $2374.30 + $3600 (day job)

Days without soda: 288

The good: I lose weight, but I am only putting this as good-ish. The reason why is that I had a severe stomach bug on Monday-Tuesday. This was one of the ones where there was diarrhea and vomiting at the same time (poop into toilet, puke into plastic bag that rips open making you clean the floor in between vomiting bouts). I will spare you the details, such as when I pooped and immediately had to vomit into the toilet and then the water splash hit me in the face. In any event, I dropped 2.4 lbs, and I am a bit ahead on my weight loss schedule. I wouldn’t recommend this method though.

I got in a few runs, which was good. But running after a stomach flu SUCKS. Especially for me and my crap (pun intended) digestive system. Every run has been full of stomach cramps and dead legs. But they are getting done. It’ll get better…I think.

I am about to go on a eight-day West Coast trip, and I am hoping to maintain my weight loss and workouts while traveling. Whenever I get a stomach bug, it takes about a week for me to feel better, so that will keep me in check although I wish it wasn’t in this manner.

The bad: My mental state has been trash, but this happens when I get sick and fall out of my routine, but it has been going on for the last 6-8 weeks now. I am a bit concerned that I am feeling so negative so much lately. I am doing too much of the Debbie Downer thing and need to cool out with it. I am honestly very frustrated with my life sometimes, but I don’t want it to bleed out into my life impact my relationships with people. It’s something I am aware and need to keep monitoring.

My savings is down $2200 but that is due to me paying for the West Coast trip and for the race I am running in August. This month I have spent too much, paid some bills and overspent my budget so I had to dip into my savings, which happens. I knew some hits would be coming but I still have $5K saved. It’s why I work so hard. I would love to get to $10K someday.

I didn’t apply to any new jobs, but I was out for a bunch of days. I really need to double down on this. I know my ‘career’ causes me a lot of angst.

My sleep has been terrible. I got about 3.5 hours last night and thus don’t have my usual verbosity with the blog. I am hoping that it gets better on vacation.

Overall: Not my best week mentally or physically. At all. It’s been a trend the last six weeks or so. I am hoping that going away for a bit will serve as a reset of sorts and give me some momentum when I get back. Fingers crossed. Sometimes in life you just need gut it out. This feels like one of those times.


2 thoughts on “Project 39: Week 41

  1. Ugh, Kevin and I battled a virulent stomach bug that cured us from eating turkey for a year while irrationally hating our nephew The Contagion. Until you get it, you have no idea how humbling it can be to stare down the eye of your defiled toilet while puke erupts from your eyeballs as your @ssh0le hopes for dear life to stay shut until the vomiting stops. But we looked great when it passed! Hang in there, buddy.


  2. Argh, sorry you also had to deal with a bug like that. It’s never fun when it is coming out of both holes at once, I’ll tell ya that. But hey, I dropped some weight faster than I thought I would, so that is good, right?


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