Project 39: Week 14

Weight: 182.0 (-0.2, -4.8 overall)

Savings: $1615.68 (Second job) + $956.35 (day job)

Days without soda: 99

I am writing from public transit yet again! Thank god for personal hotspots on smartphones.

Also, I have never been on a train that has had so many loud people, so thank god for earbuds.

The good: I dropped 0.2 lbs (eeeeeeeh). At least I didn’t go up! I am so close to getting out of the 180s but seem to have hit a bit of a wall. That said, let’s be positive: I feel like I am doing well at avoiding sweets and sticking to cheat days. I have no cravings at all for soda anymore. I also noticed that I can’t eat as much as I used to in one sitting, as if my stomach shrunk. Can your stomach shrink?

I feel as though my body and mind have more or less adjusted to the new normal with my diet. Importantly, this is a diet I want for not only this year, but forever. Nutrition is so damn important for so many things, especially when one has a crap digestive system as I do.

I went to a wedding last weekend and got a couple of compliments saying that I looked good. Despite my slow weight loss, someone noticed! Of course it was a couple of dudes, but hey, any port in a storm.

I had a date this morning! I don’t think she was too into me, but at least I got out — it’s good to get reps. I actually have another date with a different woman tomorrow that I am excited about. I can’t wait to see how it won’t work out!

I went to Brazilian jiu jitsu twice this week despite having three 14 hour days and one 12 hour day. I was really tired the one night I didn’t have to work, and even fell asleep when I got home. Still, I rallied and went to my 8 pm class. I went again today. It is finally starting to make some sense. I even went undefeated in sparring, which is nice since I am usually the oldest person in the class.

The bad: I only dropped 0.2 lbs. I really have to work on portion control. One mini-goal this week is to not have any processed food at my second job. I want to stick with salads, vegetables or soups. Processed foods are not only too calorically dense, but they mess my stomach up.

I won’t be ready for the December test at BJJ, which is disappointing. I really have to make a push for January. I am not too far behind for getting a blue belt by August, and I have been going at least twice a week for the last few months despite working a good number of hours every week. I just don’t know the specific techniques for the next test well enough.

I got back to the gym during some lunch breaks this week, but I pulled a muscle in my ribs while I was sitting and doing nothing (new low for me), so I had to miss a couple of days. I probably could have gone through the injury, but I figure it is better to miss a couple of days and not prolong the injury instead of fighting through the pain. This is something I have not been good at in the past and I am trying to be better about as I get older. So far, so good. I should be good for next week.

Still no progress for the side hustle, which is frustrating. But to be fair to me, this is hard to do when you work 60-70 hours a week. I really need to step down my hours by one night soon. Probably next month. I only intended to keep the second job for a couple of months, and now I am on my 10th month.

This week I wanted to start my marathon training for the March race, but I am not sure if I have the time to train for it. I won’t make a final decision till the end of the month, but it doesn’t look good.

Overall: It was a mixed bag this week, but I would say that it was largely positive. My weight loss is slower than I would like, but I have made legitimate dietary changes that are sustainable. And, no soda in almost 100 days! I even went on a date! With another one tomorrow! With someone else! Exclamation points!

This is a little jam that I think will be appreciated by my two readers: