Week 12 – A New Hope

Current Weight: 193.6
Last week: 195.2
Change: -1.6
Goal: 163.0

Progress! Finally! I was stuck on the exact same weight for five weeks and was able to lose 1.6 pounds this week. This does come with a caveat, however. At the end of the week last week, I was struck by very bad nausea/diarrhea and I’m sure that is a factor in the weight loss. Your body purging everything for three days and then not having an appetite are sure ways of losing weight. I’m not sure how sustainable it is, but we will see.

The diet was pretty solid though. Since it is Lent, I have been able to stay away from the fried foods and sweets without too much trouble. I am only drinking water, so that is another method to limit calories.

The running has been going ok, but I have been dealing with some little injuries in my right calf/Achilles. I am to run a 10K race this Sunday so I should take it easy this week. I went on a run today and the Achilles really flared up so I need to be careful.

I skipped hockey last week because a) I was told that my skates are too big so I needed to get a smaller size and b) my groin pull still hasn’t healed 100 percent so I didn’t want to take any chances. I am to play tomorrow night but I may just take it easy and have fun with it.

Otherwise, no new updates. Just trying to get by.

This week’s done and we’re on to the next one:

Week 11 – Same Old Situation Pt. 2

Current Weight: 195.2
Last week: 195.2
Change: +0.0
Goal: 163.0

Welp, for the fifth week in a row I am the same weight, down to the tenth of a pound. I know why — I am eating too much during the week (obviously). I was still hoping to see a bit of progress every week.

At least I am not gaining, but I hope that I can see some progress this week. I had a good weekend where I didn’t overdo it. I had a good start to the week today.

I ran my five mile race with a quicker pace than I thought I would. I ended up averaging 8:46 a mile, well below the 9:30, so that was nice! The day was cold and windy, but wasn’t so bad once I got going.

I had a bad week in hockey. I played like crap, fell badly a couple of times, crashed into the only woman in the game, missed open chances and generally did not enjoy myself. The coup de grace was that I strained my groin muscle in my second-to-last shift, which prevented me from running last week.

This wasn’t the worst thing, I did want to take some days off after my last run to rest my muscles up. But instead of 3-4 days, I ended up taking 7. But it’s fine! I ran today and felt the groin only a little bit. I have another hockey game on Wednesday, so fingers crossed I don’t make it worse.

Fingers crossed this is a better week! Otherwise, it’s the Same Old Situation, Pt. 2:

Week 10 – Same Old Situation

Current Weight: 195.2
Last week: 195.2
Change: +0.0
Goal: 163.0

For the fourth week in a row, I am the EXACT. SAME. WEIGHT. Down to the tenth of a pound. I’m both amazed and disappointed. I’m hoping that I can have a breakthrough eventually?

I had a solid week eating, but I obviously have to drill down even more. I have been tracking all of my calories but honestly I have been going over my calorie limit most days. Hence me staying the same.

This week I want to come in lower than my limit for four of the seven days. And the rest of the days I want to stay within a reasonable distance of my limit. I have been eating much more cleanly lately — no sweets, no soda, no fried foods. Unfortunately, I’ve had no results either haha.

So I would like to drop one (1) pound this week. I really want to get after it and I am ready!

In other news, I have a five mile road race on Sunday, which should be good! I’ve had some good training runs (except my last one on Wednesday, where I had a solid bonk). The goal is 47:30, which would put me at just under a 9:30 pace, which I think I can do. Next up will be training for my half marathon in May.

Additionally, I started my men’s hockey journey! I played in an organized pickup game on Wednesday and it was super fun. I ran 4 miles (well I bonked during the run) that day and then played hockey at night, so my legs were really tired while I was playing. Luckily, you take shifts so I was able to come off when I got winded. I didn’t want to overdo it and get an injury, especially with my comeback road race this weekend. I played like complete garbage but I had fun and didn’t get hurt. My legs and body were very tired the next day, but I wasn’t sore or anything, so all the work I have been doing with the running/bodyweight/kettlebell paid off.

So, a week of ups and downs. My weight has stagnated, but my fitness is getting better and I found a fun new activity. Still, I need to get this weight down.

If I don’t press a little more, it will be the Same Old Situation.

Week 9 – Steady, As She Goes

Current Weight: 195.2
Last week: 195.2
Change: +0.0
Goal: 163.0

Three weeks in a row at the same weight! That is something special! At least I am consistent.

Lent started on Wednesday, so I am now on the Lent diet, so that should help move the needle a bit. No sweets, sodas or fried foods and I only drink water. On Fridays I only eat a very small lunch and then a normal sized dinner.

As it stands, I have lost three pounds since the beginning of the year. That is a pound every three weeks, which is better than nothing. But I haven’t lost anything since the start of February. I hope that this Friday I will finally see some results.

The exercise is going well. I ran five miles today for the first time since August. Sure would be great to run and be 30 pounds lighter! I hope I am close to that by the time I run my marathon in Nocvember,

With my other health goals: I’ve been able to do my kettlebell/bodyweight routine to keep my strength up as well. My sleep hasn’t been great but it hasn’t been terrible either.

Unrelated but I signed up to play in a beginner ice hockey league! I can barely skate but it is for adults just learning the game and no contact is allowed so it should be fun. I just want to do something a bit different.

Let’s hope for some movement this week! The pieces are falling into place so I am mildly optimistic. Let’s get it!