Week 17 – Two Steps Behind

Current Weight: 191.2
Last week: 190.0
Change: +1.2
Goal: 163.0

Back again — and late once again. Last week was a tough week. The most prominent thing was that Lent is over and I have largely abandoned my Lenten diet. So that means lots of junk food and veering off from the good eating I had been doing. I need to get back on track starting this week and impose some discipline on my eating. When I eat poorly, it impacts not only my weight, but my general health. So adding the 1.2 lbs. was dispiriting but not surprising.

The other thing was that I felt very run-down physically. I ran 10 miles on April 24 (last Sunday) and then had to work my second job that night. I felt like that run took a lot out of me, and I wasn’t able to run again until Friday. This was compounded by two nights of hockey last week. One of the nights had only two substitutes for the game, so it was more wear and tear on my legs.

In addition, for some reason my hands/wrists have been really sore the last few weeks. I’m not sure if it is from doing pushups, or from hockey, but I haven’t done my bodyweight/kettlebell routine in a couple of weeks to try to give my hands/wrists time to heal. They are slightly better the last few days but I may take the rest of this week off from the bodyweight/kettlebell routine. I do have hockey, but it’s only one night and it is a skills workshop, so the skating won’t be very intense.

And lastly, I went for another 10 mile run yesterday and in my final couple of steps, right in front of my house, I tweaked my groin. I don’t think it is a really bad strain, but what didn’t help is that once again I had to work my second job for four hours last night. I was on my feet the whole time and couldn’t get the rest that I wanted.

The reason I am running so much is that I have a half marathon coming up at the end of May and I wanted to get some good miles in before then. I guess I am feeling run down because a) I probably ramped up my miles too quickly and b) I didn’t factor in how much hockey can tire out my legs.

I need to get my eating back under control as well. I’ve made good progress this year in a lot of things, but definitely have a lot of work to do. The plan this week is to largely rest my body. I will do some walks and maybe some core work, but I need to let my heals get stronger and let my groin heal. I also want my hands to recover a bit.

Friday I will have a comprehensive nutrition plan for going forward. I would like to sit with this a bit but this ‘having no plan’ plan is not working.

Sometimes, I feel like I am always two steps behind.

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