Week 19 – The Foundations of Decay

Current Weight: 192.8
Last week: 191.8
Change: +1.0
Goal: 163.0

Another week, another pound up. That’s almost three pounds since April 22. Not good at all. I need a new plan. I need to get my diet under control, I need to get in shape and get over these injuries.

So let’s make a plan starting today. During the week — no sweets or soda or fried foods. Eat clean. Desserts will be yogurt or fruit. On the weekend I will allow myself two (2) sodas and two (2) sweet treats.

I need a plan after Lent and this will be it. What I want is a plan for life, something that I can use forever. I just need some focus and I think I can get my momentum going again. But I don’t like feeling this heavy. It isn’t good for when I play sports, or try to fit into clothes, and it is bad for my digestive system.

I need to impose discipline. I need to start feeling like I have momentum toward progress. Otherwise, I’m just decaying.

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