Week 16 – Walking on a Thin Line

Current Weight: 190.0
Last week: 190.0
Change: 0.0
Goal: 163.0

I am super duper late with this, but this week has been crazy between work and after-work stuff. Nothing bad, it’s just a busy time of year in a lot of ways. And I wanted to get in the week 16 blog post so here we are. I will write more tomorrow or this weekend, so this is a brief one, but I didn’t gain or lose weight this past week. More details on why to come.

Right now, we are Walking on a Thin Line but let’s hope I don’t fall off the edge.

Week 15 – Negative Loss

Current Weight: 190.0
Last week: 191.8
Change: -1.8
Goal: 163.0

Well a big week of weight loss, but it came with a cost. I am down 1.8 lbs but it was largely due to a flare up of whatever stomach issue I have (IBS maybe)? But I have been sick with one of the worst flare ups I have had in years with lots of digestive issues, and I haven’t wanted to eat (or do much of anything else) all week. That said, progress is progress. I just don’t have any great insights. I got sick, haven’t wanted to eat, and lost weight. That’s all there is to it.

The one good thing is that exercise does alleviate my symptoms. It’s just one of those situations where you feel so sick and rundown that you want to do anything but exercise. So it takes a lot of wherewithal to get moving, but so far, it’s made me feel better, at least for a little while.

It may be time to see yet another gastroenterologist. I’ve been to a few and I never really have gotten a clear diagnosis, so I am not too optimistic that things will be different this time. But maybe they will find something or offer a treatment that makes a difference. I feel a bit better today, so maybe the latest flareup has run its course.

In any event, other people have it much worse. No choice but to keep moving forward and to take care of my health as best I can.

Week 14 – Step by Step

Current Weight: 191.8
Last week: 192.8
Change: -1.0
Goal: 163.0

Another week dropping some weight, and another week where it was probably due to having bad stomach pain/nausea. Whatever flare-up I am having is one of the worst I’ve had in a couple of years. It is unrelenting. I ran a hard 10K last weekend so I was planning on taking most of this week off from running, but with my stomach problems being so bad, I would have had to have taken this week off anyway. Not fun. Fingers crossed I can start to feel better this week as I ramp up my training for my upcoming half marathon. Usually I feel better once I start moving, but whatever I have makes me feel like garbage and I often don’t even want to get started. It sucks and I need to get it checked out, but for now I will do what I can. I am hoping to get out for a run today, maybe around 5.5 miles or so.

So that’s been it. Not too much news. I was pretty happy with my 10K time last week, I was able to get it around 8:45 on a fairly hilly course. It’s funny that 8:30 used to be my ‘easy’ pace for a race that long, but that was 20 years and 40 pounds ago. We just have to deal with the here and now.

I’m hoping that my stomach issues abate a bit so I can get back to working out hard. I was on a good run until the end of last week.

In any event, we are getting better, step-by-step.

Week 13 – Quarter Year Check In

Current Weight: 192.8
Last week: 193.6
Change: -0.8
Goal: 163.0

I can’t believe it, but we are already 1/4 of the way through the year, so I think it would be a good time to check in on my goals. Some of which I actually forgot about!

Before we get to that, I had a second week in a row with a loss in weight! It wasn’t as much as last week, but unlike last week, this week’s weight loss wasn’t driven my constant bouts of diarrhea and nausea and loss of appetite! This week was legitimate. I did overeat a couple of nights. One thing I have been better about but lost track of this week is waiting a bit for a second helping of food. Usually, if I have a meal and still feel hungry, I will wait 30 minutes and see if I am still hungry. This week, I had one night in particular where I just went for the second helping because I still felt hungry. That was a bad decision because I then felt like I overate by a large amount and felt sick for a couple of hours afterward. I hadn’t eaten much that day and was famished by dinner, but then I had chips and hummus followed by two helpings of dinner. It was simply too much.

On a related note, over the last few weeks I have been dealing with a lot of stomach pain, cramping, nausea, and diarrhea. Often this is caused by diet, but not always. This latest bout was not. I have been eating quite cleanly, but my condition flared up badly for 10 days or so. But I took some loperamide one day to slow things down and then have been having a teaspoon of Metamucil daily. So far, so good. My gut has calmed down and I’ve felt the best I have for weeks. Fingers crossed I can continue with a decent amount of time before my next flare up.

The running has been going. I have bonked on a few runs more than I would like, but I wonder if that is because I have been dealing with these stomach issues and my blood sugar is low or something like that? But I had a good run earlier in the week and a 10K on Sunday. My injuries have healed and I don’t feel too sore.

I had a hockey game this week and it was fun! The game is much more tiring than I would have expected and I am terrible at it, but most everyone I have encountered is really nice and encouraging. So far, I have always been the worst player on the ice but I try not to be too self conscious about it. It’s actually a sport you can play until late in life, which is partly why I wanted to try it out. There was a gent at the skate shop the other day I was talking to who was around 70 and was still playing. I figure if I can play into my mid-70s, I will be pretty happy.

Without further ado, let’s get to the goals. Let’s start with the fitness goals first:

  1. Get back to blogging once a week.
    • This has been a success! I always shoot for Friday posts, but if work is really busy I try to do it by the weekend. But I have been able to maintain the blog every week, so that is a success! Grade: A+
  2. Get down to 163 lbs.
    1. Track my calories on MyFitnessPal through January 15 starting December 15.
      • I’m obviously still working on the weight loss, but I have been tracking my calories in MyFitnessPal since December 15. I’m not always 100 percent accurate, but I do track every day and log a very high percentage of what I eat. Grade: A-
    2. Cut down on sweets/soda/fried foods.
      • This was not great the first couple of months of the year. However, Lent started on March 2 and I have not had any soda or sweets since then. And I have greatly diminished my fried foods. I really need to think about how to maintain this post-Easter so I can carry this momentum to 163. Grade: B
  3. Run the Philadelphia Marathon in November in under 4 hours.
    • I signed up and have been training 3x a week. This will likely go to four days in the late summer as I add more miles to my training. I need to also keep losing weight as that will help my speed greatly. But I am on track here. Grade: Incomplete
  4. Return to Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
    • This one has been delayed by two things: 1) COVID still lingering has made me a bit wary of doing a martial art that requires very close contact and 2) I have been devoting my time, energy and money to ice hockey. I still would very much like to get back to BJJ, but maybe it won’t be till after the marathon in November if I continue with the hockey. I am doing an adult beginner ice hockey camp beginning in April so that will help me in discerning whether or not it is a sport that I would like to pursue. If I don’t continue with the hockey, then I will move BJJ up in my list of things to do. Grade: I swapped ice hockey for BJJ so let’s give myself an A for starting hockey.

With those out of the way, let’s go to our non-fitness goals:

  1. Surf 10 times (ok this is technically a fitness thing but we’ll deal)
    • It isn’t surfing season yet so it’s too early to tell! Grade: Incomplete
  2. Read one Shakespeare play a month
    • This has been a fail. It’s already April and I haven’t read one! There’s still time to get caught up though! I have to do one this April! Grade: F
  3. Read one book in Spanish
    • Honestly, I totally forgot I put this one down. I really need to work on my Spanish so one book seems like it could happen! Grade: F
  4. Play 100 hours of guitar
    • This is another one I forgot about. I haven’t played hardly any guitar since the new year, but I would love to get back to it. This is a nice reminder to get back to playing! Grade: F
  5. Apply to new jobs
    • This is always on my list but I haven’t done any applications since the fall. Time to get back to it. Grade: F
  6. Break 95 in golf
    • Still a bit too early for this. But I want to sign up for lessons. My partner gave me $300 for golf lessons and I need to use that money! I definitely plateaued hard last year and need help getting to the next level. Grade: Incomplete
  7. 52 blog posts
    • I didn’t realize it, but this goal is on both lists! I guess it is a fitness one and it isn’t at the same time? Grade: A+

OK that is all for now! This is a very long post, but it’s always good to circle back to our goals and see what is working, what needs improvement, and what needs to be adjusted.

We’re a quarter of the way through, let’s rocket to the next level.