Project 40: Week 27, 28, 29

Weight: 184.6 – 189.6 lbs (+5.0 lbs lbs)

Savings: $2819.45 + $608.95 (day job)

Days without soda: 2

Yikes. It’s been a few weeks. I went away and then went on vacation. My mental state hasn’t been great and I even hit my all-time high for weight (191.0) at one point. I have decided to truly seriously deeply work on losing the weight. I have a friend who is going to be my accountability buddy for the next 30 days so I hope I can make some decent progress by the end of July. I turn 41 in August so I want to make sure that I hit the ground running with no regrets. If I was in the 190s, I would be pretty pissed at myself. But now I am taking control of the situstionand I will hopefully be hitting my 41st lap around the sun in a good state mentally, physically and emotionally.

The plan is to log my calories for the next 30 days, and my goal weight is going to be 159, which would put me in the ‘normal’ BMI range for someone my height. The last couple of days have gone well and I am ready to make a serious run at things this time. Let’s go.

I was able to start working out again this week. I got in a couple of runs, including a 5 miler today. I also got to the gym a few times. Once I start working out, I tend to get momentum in other places in life so I hope I am able to do the same now as well.

My savings is also not great, but that is largely for two reasons: 1) I gave $1000 to my mother for some medical bills and 2) I paid around $650 so my niece could do an acting camp. Going on vacation also cut into the money. I a stoked that I work hard and have a second job so I can absorb stuff like that without having to get into credit card debt.

Unfortunately, my phone is on the fritz so I likely need something new. Do I get a brand new phone? Do I take a chance with something that is “refurbished”? The new phones can be so expensive but at least the parts are newer and thus likely to last longer. I have an iPhone 5s, which is six years old at this point so it feels like time for an upgrade. The battery doesn’t really last long anymore and all the apps are slow so it feels like time to move on. I work hard, so I have the money for something new but I honestly have to balk at an iPhone 8 price tag of $599. My laptop was damn near that much. We will see. I don’t like to make huge purchases on material things, I would rather spend it on traveling or putting it toward my student loans.

Overall, it’s been a nasty few weeks, but I am ready to put my head down and get some shit done. Now is the time.

To paraphrase one of my favorite bands, It’s All Downhill from Here. But in a good way…