Week 7 – Two Steps Behind

Current Weight: 195.2
Last week: 194.2
Change: +1.0
Goal: 163.0

Well, after a really good week last week, I backslid bad this week. I am up a pound, but that isn’t the worst thing. I completely fell off the rails with my diet. I’m not sure why. I just had a few sweets over the weekend and kept it going non-stop until Wednesday. The fact that I am only up one pound is actually positive. And the fact that yesterday I was able to get back control and ‘grab the wheel’ is also really good.

When I have let my nutrition go in the past, it often was for weeks at a time, so getting back after 3-4 days is a good thing in my mind and it is progress!

There we go, I just talked myself into this week not being a failure, but actually a success! It will depend on how I do going forward today and this weekend, but the fact I got one good day done yesterday is proof I can get back to making good choices for myself.

The working out has been good. I ran three miles for the first time in months yesterday, and I have been sticking with my bodyweight/kettlebell routine.

I also signed up for an adult beginner hockey league, but unfortunately that looks like it will be canceled. But I got new ice skates and a helmet, and I found a beginner pickup league I may join. I’ve always wanted to play hockey so why not in my early 40s? I won’t be young forever haha.

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